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GeneralItems that do not fit in other categories sdl2ics.plsdl2ics.pl #!/usr/bin/perl # sdl2ics.pl 2017-1-3 by akebia # Calender.sdl to iCal converter # http://2hz.org/akebia/item/1030 use utf8; use Encode; use Data::ICal; use Data::ICal::Entry::Event; use Data::ICal::Entry::Todo; my @a = (), $w, $event = 0, $todo = 0, $due = 0, $comp = 0; foreach $_ (@ARGV[1..$#ARGV]) { if($_ =~ /^\d+$/){push(@a, $_); next;} $w = lc($_); if($w eq 'event'){$event = 1; next;} if($w eq 'todo'){$todo = 1; next;} if($w eq 'due'){$due = 1; next;} if($w eq 'completed'){$comp = 1; next;} if($w ne ''){die "'$w' is unknown option";} } my $sd = $a[0] ? $a[0] : '00000000'; my $ed = $a[1] ? $a[1] : '99999999'; @a = (); my $b = []; my $i, $fh, $fn = $ARGV[0]; open($fh, $fn) or die "$!"; binmode($fh); while(read($fh, $_, 2) == 2){ for($i = unpack("S<", $_); $i && read($fh, $_, 1); $i--){ $_ = $_ ne "\xff" ? unpack("C", $_) : read($fh, $_, 2) == 2 ? unpack("S<", $_) : 0; unless(read($fh, $_, $_)){$_ = "";} push(@$b, $_); } push(@a, $b); $b = []; } close($fh); my $y = shift(@a); splice(@$y, 0, 100); my $m = shift(@a); splice(@$m, 0, 100); my $d = shift(@a); splice(@$d, 0, 100); $b = shift(@a); splice(@$b, 0, 100); my $ic = Data::ICal->new, $ie; my $ymd, $c = 0; for($i = @$y; $i; $i--){ $ymd = sprintf('%02d%02d%02d', shift(@$y), shift(@$m), shift(@$d)); if($ymd lt $sd or $ymd gt $ed){shift(@$b); next;} $_ = decode('cp932', shift(@$b)); $_ =~ s/\r//g; if($_ =~ /([^\s ][^\n]*)/){$w = $1; $w =~ s/[\s ]+$//;}else{$w = '';} if($event){ $ie = Data::ICal::Entry::Event->new; $ie->add_properties( "UID" => "e$ymd\@$fn", "DTSTART" => ["$ymd", {"VALUE" => "DATE"}], "SUMMARY" => $w, "DESCRIPTION" => $_); $ic->add_entry($ie); $c++; } if($todo){ $ie = Data::ICal::Entry::Todo->new; $ie->add_properties( "UID" => "t$ymd\@$fn", "DTSTART" => ["$ymd", {"VALUE" => "DATE"}], "SUMMARY" => $w, "DESCRIPTION" => $_); $due and $ie->add_property("DUE" => ["$ymd", {"VALUE" => "DATE"}]); $comp and $ie->add_property("STATUS" => "COMPLETED"); $ic->add_entry($ie); $c++; } } binmode(STDOUT); print Encode::encode('utf8', $ic->as_string); print STDERR "$c item(s)\n"; CommentsNo comments yet
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